31 Day Challenge – Day 28

5 Minute Fitness | 31 day challenge

Day 28 ~ 31 Day Challenge

Sunday! The day of rest for some, but for you, here's a program to challenge you today!

  • Warm up
  • 20 x skiers (each leg)
  • 30 second plank
  • 20 x skiers (each leg)
  • 30 second left side plank
  • 20 x skiers (each leg)
  • 30 second plank
  • 20 x skiers (each leg)
  • 30 second right side plank
  • Repeat x 4

Have a great day!

Check out 5 Minute Fitness on YouTube for exercise demonstrations.

You have all day!

Now, go DO!
Check in to 5 Minute Fitness on Facebook on your phone when you start. Tell me when you're done!

Remember always warm up with some full body movement before you commence training, drink plenty of water, and do gentle stretching when you're done.

Please also read the disclaimer on this website.

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