Exercising as a family makes you healthier

Exercising as a family makes you healthier

family going to beachExercise together for better health

Electronic gaming is increasing as a way for families to ‘chill out’ together. While it’s great to spend time together as a family, don’t forget the importance of being active together either.

Why physical activity?

Lack of physical activity is one of the leading risk factors for death worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO)[i].


WHO states regular physical activity will:

  • help maintain a healthy weight
  • improve cardiovascular fitness
  • improve muscular strength
  • aid bone health
  • reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (including heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure)
  • reduce the risk of developing some cancers
  • reduce the risk of depression.

Kids who exercise regularly can also enjoy these extra benefits[ii] [iii]:

  • an increased ability to learn
  • improved short-term memory, reaction times and creativity
  • increased cognitive development
  • reduced stress
  • improved strength, flexibility and endurance
  • better able to handle physical and emotional challenges of growing up
  • better sleep
  • improved confidence.

How much activity?

snow kidsPhysical activity shouldn’t be confused with structured exercise.

Current recommendations for physical activity are [iv]:

  • at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity activity daily for children 5-17 years of age
  • 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity weekly for adults 18-64 years of age.

According to Active Health Kids Australia, only 19 per cent of Australian children aged 5-17 years are getting enough physical activity, with 71 per cent of kids in this age bracket exceeding more than the recommended two hours of screen time per day. [v]

It’s clear that our children need to get away from the screens and off the couch!

Exercise as a family

water tube ridingExercising as a family is not only fun (and often inexpensive), but it’s an important way to show your children what a healthy lifestyle is.

Exercising together will help your children establish good exercise habits as well as provide an opportunity to learn the importance of regular exercise and good nutritional habits.

Some great ideas to be active as a family include:

  • At the park — throw a Frisbee, fly a kite, walk the dog, kick a ball, ride your bike, use the playground.
  • At home — plant a garden, paint a fence, sweep a patio, dance in the living room, jump rope, rake leaves.
  • At the beach — play cricket or volleyball, walk along the beach, go for a swim, go sailing.
  • In the snow — build a snowman, toboggan or ski, have a snowball fight, go ice-skating.
  • Out and about — go hiking, participate in a fun run, ride your bikes, go bowling, abseil, kayak, go rock climbing, talk a walking tour of your city.
  • Take a class — take up dancing, learn how to play tennis, take up karate or swimming lessons.

Of course, the activities above are only a guide. Choose something you’d all like to do and give it a go. Perhaps you could set aside a regular time to be active together and take turns in choosing the activity.

Whatever you do however, make a commitment to get your family off the couch and into exercise!

Mountain Biking - two Girls on a steep Descent

little girl smiling


[i] World Health Organisation, Physical activity, Last update January 2014; accessed 1 July 2015 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs385/en/

[ii] Raise Smart Kid, The Benfits of Exercise on Your Kid’s Brain, published not specified; accessed 1 July 2015 http://www.raisesmartkid.com/3-to-6-years-old/4-articles/35-the-benefits-of-exercise-on-your-kids-brain

[iii] Kids Health, Kids and Exercise, last reviewed February 2012; accessed 1 July 2015 http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/staying_fit/exercise.html

[iv] World Health Organisation, Physical activity, Last update January 2014; accessed 1 July 2015 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs385/en/

[v] Active Health Kids Australia, Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Young People, published 20 May, 2014; accessed 1 July 2014 http://www.activehealthykidsaustralia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ahka_reportcard_shortform_web.pdf




The real cost of obesity

The real cost of obesity

Overweight and obesity in Australia is reaching epidemic proportions.

We are now one of the fattest nations in the developed world with the prevalence of obesity more than doubling in the last 20 years.[1]

The most recent statistics from Obesity Australia indicate that 63 per cent of our country is overweight or obese, with 28 per cent obese. According to their 2014 report, No Time to Weight, obesity is a major health and societal factor for the Australian population. [2]

Unfortunately, things are likely to get worse with projections seeing around 70% of Australians being overweight or obese, by 2025, with around a third of the Australian adult population falling into the obese category.

apple with stethoscope and measuring tape

Personal cost

It is well documented that carrying too much weight is dangerous for your health. While obesity is not a disease, it does contribute to the development of other diseases. [3]

Health problems and consequences of being overweight include:

  • cardiovascular disease such as hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • coronary artery disease and stroke
  • obstructive sleep apnoea
  • insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
  • non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • cancer
  • osteoarthritis
  • cognitive impairment
  • mood and anxiety disorders, including depression, negative body image and poor self-esteem.

If the thought of developing the above diseases isn’t enough to shock you, what about dying early?

Obesity Australia states that 40-year old obese women who don’t smoke will lose around 7.1 years of life, while obese male non-smokers will die 5.8 years earlier than expected. This is compared with their normal weight counterparts. [4]

sliced vegetables

The financial cost

As well as costing people years and quality of life, obesity is costing our country billions every year.

Estimating the financial cost of obesity is complicated. However, 2008 figures from Obesity Australia puts Australia’s total obesity cost at $58.2 billion per year. [5]

Costs relating to obesity include loss of productivity, carer’s costs, health system costs, and wellbeing. The total financial and lost wellbeing costs broken down by obesity-related diseases are as follows:

Cardiovascular disease

  • Financial cost $2.8 billion
  • Lost wellbeing $31.8 billion
  • TOTAL $34.6 billion


  • Financial cost $695 million
  • Lost wellbeing $9.0 billion
  • TOTAL $9.7 billion

Type 2 Diabetes                    

  • Financial cost $3.0 billion
  • Lost wellbeing $5.3
  • TOTAL $8.3 billion


  • Financial cost$1.8 billion
  • Lost wellbeing $3.8 billion
  • TOTAL $5.7 billion

That’s an awful lot of money to spend on disease!

The future

There is no doubt Australia is at a crossroads.

If the rate of obesity continues to grow at the projected rate, it’s fair to say the financial and wellbeing costs will also grow — to overwhelming proportions.

However, by taking steps to lose the excess fat, improve health and wellbeing, we as a nation can turn the statistics around. Not only can we save billions of dollars, we can improve our quality of life, and our life expectancy.

If you feel you need to take control of your weight and health, speak to your health care practitioners and consider joining your local fitness studio and/or take some personal training sessions.

baby pasta face hand in mouth


[1] Modi, Monash University, Obesity in Australia, last updated 6 August 2013; accessed 24 June 2015 http://www.modi.monash.edu.au/obesity-facts-figures/obesity-in-australia/

[2] Obesity Australia, No Time to Weight. Obesity: A National Epidemic and Its Impact on Australia, published 27 March 2014; accessed 23 June 2015, http://www.obesityaustralia.org/resources-1/no-time-to-weight

[3] Ibid pp18-19

[4] Ibid p 20

[5] Ibid pp26-27



Why fitspiration does more harm than good

Why fitspiration does more harm than good

Even if you have not heard of the term ‘fitspiration’, you have probably seen some of the countless images posted on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, designed to ‘inspire’ you to take action and get fit.

The common theme among these pictures is they portray men or women (mostly women) wearing tightly fitted crop tops, shorts or even spandex. These people do not have faces (well, they obviously do but they are not photographed), because the pic is too busy focusing on their rock-hard abs or the beads of sweat glistening on their well-toned body.

This trend of collecting pictures, memes and quotes about ‘pushing through pain’, ‘working your butt off’ and ‘staying motivated’ is called ‘fitspiration’ or ‘fitspo’.

Not inspiring at all

However, one of the problems with fitspiration is that it does not inspire. These memes tend to focus on exercise as a form of punishment, or something that has to be ‘borne’, rather than enjoyed. They focus on the physical results (often sexualised), rather than the health benefits. They also aim to guilt people into action (i.e. you are lazy and worthless if you’re not disciplined enough to look like this).


Experts believe the trend is promoting poor body image, increasing the likelihood of eating disorders and impaired mood.

A 2013 study showed that when people (particularly those with eating disorders) view images of models idealising thin or muscular bodies, they experience negative self-esteem, may grow anxious or depressed and their symptoms worsen.[i]

If that’s not bad enough, an Australian study of 156 adolescent girls (mean age of 14.9 years) [ii] showed that viewing these kinds of images on the internet or in magazines causes teenage girls “greater internalisation of thin ideals, appearance comparison, weight dissatisfaction, and drive for thinness”.

Interestingly enough, when girls saw fitspiration-type images on the television, they didn’t experience the same feelings, prompting the researchers to conclude that the internet represents a powerful sociocultural influence on young women’s lives.

The problem with social media

Like it or not, social media is here to stay. While social media is not all bad, there is increasing evidence that it is fuelling a rise in eating disorders among teenagers, as they share images of girls looking dangerously thin.

Recent news from the UK[iii] indicates that the number of those aged 13 to 19 being admitted to hospital with anorexia and bulimia has doubled in the last three years.


The new trend of sharing photographs of excessively thin people and swapping tips on social media is becoming an obsession. Experts say that their desire to achieve the ‘perfectly toned body’ can lead them to develop eating disorders and become terrified of eating particular foods. It is also having a devastating effect on their self-confidence and body image.

What many girls don’t realise is that a vast majority of images on the internet are Photo-shopped to look perfect. This culture of ‘perfection’ is now causing teenagers to amend their own photos to create a slimmer or more attractive image of themselves, before posting to their social media accounts.

Tags such as #fitspiration or #thinspiration abound on social media, with countless individuals sharing and collecting these images of very thin and sexualised women. The practice can become addictive and put enormous pressure on teenagers to look a certain way.

Closer to home, a study from Flinders University revealed that a growing number of girls are turned off sport in high school because Facebook and Instagram are making them feel self-conscious about their bodies.[iv]

It’s not just affecting teenage girls

While evidence shows that teenagers and young women are the most vulnerable, men are also affected. After viewing photos of lean, topless males, they also experience a dip in body confidence and a heightened desire to lose weight.[v]

A Sport England survey found that 75 per cent of women would like to exercise more, but were afraid to for fear of being judged over appearance, ability and concerns that they are being ‘selfish’. [vi]

Researchers at Flinders University are calling into question the fitspo trend and are currently conducting a study of women aged 17 to 29 years to determine whether fitspirational media actually discourages women exercising. [vii]

They believe that the new ideal permeating through media is overly sexualised women with bodies that are toned, fit, strong and skinny — something that the vast majority of women will never be able to obtain or maintain.

Researchers believe that viewing such images will result in greater body dissatisfaction, mood disturbance and lower levels of exercise participation.


Exercise for health and happiness

While it is healthy to exercise, doing so because you feel guilt, ashamed of your body, are chasing unrealistic ideals or because you feel unworthy if you don’t exercise, is not healthy. Feeling guilty about taking a day off or not exercising because you are sick is also not healthy.

Exercise should be about health — all aspects of health. It should be about reducing your risk of chronic disease. It should be about staying mobile, flexible and strong enough to go about your daily activities. Exercise should be about feeling proud of yourself and feeling happy within yourself. Exercise should be about the actual experience and joy that comes from exercising, not about an unrealistic body image that is unattainable.



[i] Heather A. Hausenblas, Anna Campbell, Jessie E. Menzel, Jessica Doughty, Michael Levine, and J. Kevin Thompson, Media effects of experimental presentation of the ideal physique on eating disorder symptoms: A meta-analysis of laboratory studies, Clinical Psychology Review 33 (2013): 168-181. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272735812001638

[ii] Marika Tiggermann & Jessiva Miller, The Internet and Adolescent Girls’ Weight Satisfaction and Drive for Thinness Sex Roles 63, nos. 1-2 (2010): 79-90. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11199-010-9789-z

[iii] ioL Lifestyle, The new alarming trend, selfie anorexics, published 10 June, 2015; accessed 11 June 2015 http://www.iol.co.za/lifestyle/style/beauty/the-new-alarming-trend-selfie-anorexics-1.1869750#.VXjVYvmqqko

[iv] Flinders University, Flinders News, Social media puts body-conscious girls off sport, published 7 October, 2014; accessed 11 June 2015 http://blogs.flinders.edu.au/flinders-news/2014/10/07/social-media-puts-body-conscious-girls-off-sport/

[v] Rachel M. Galioto, The Effects of Exposure to Slender and Muscular Images on Male Body Dissatisfaction . MA Thesis. Kent State University. Ohio, 2013. https://etd.ohiolink.edu/rws_etd/document/get/kent1357582675/inline

[vi] Daily Mail Australia, Scared of being judged at the gym? You’re not alone, published 1 November 2014; accessed 11 June 2015 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2815893/Scared-judged-gym-not-New-study-finds-75-women-want-exercise-don-t-fear-think.html

[vii] Flinders University, Flinders News, Strong (and skinny) is the new sexy; the #fitspo effect, published 23 December 2014; accessed 11 June 2015 http://blogs.flinders.edu.au/flinders-news/tag/fitspiration/



Out in the cold atop the corporate ladder

Out in the cold atop the corporate ladder

The corporate ladder: it can be lonely at the top!

You have mapped out your career. You have set your goals and you are putting the wheels in motion to climb the corporate ladder. But what if the reality does not live up to your expectations?

For many career-minded people with ambitions of climbing the corporate ladder, making it to the top may seem like the ultimate goal. However, what if that position meant that you were lonelier, more stressed, more anxious and desperately unhappy. Would you aspire to be there?

A double-edged sword

There is nothing wrong with ambition or wanting an executive job. After all, executives often have more challenging and interesting roles, they may get more ‘perks’ and they certainly take home a larger pay packet.

However, a recent CEO Snapshot Survey by Harvard Business Review [1] suggests that 50 per cent of CEOs feel lonely and isolated, and believe it is hampering their performance. When it comes to first-time CEOs, nearly 70 percent of them reported feeling so lonely that it had a negative impact upon their capacity to fulfil their role.

Feeling lonely and isolated can easily lead to burn-out, depression, psychological exhaustion or a complete emotional breakdown.

Yet stressed executives are not speaking up. Anecdotal evidence suggests they feel enormous pressure to perform, they may feel overwhelmed at the responsibility they hold and perhaps even feel that people are ‘looking up to’ them and ‘watching what they do’. There is also the belief that feeling stressed is a sign of weakness or incompetence in doing the job.

Figures from SANE Australia suggest that almost half of Australians who took time off work due to depression did not disclose the reason to their employers. [2] The national study involving more than 1000 workers found that 48 percent of those who didn’t inform their employer of their reason for taking time off felt they would be putting their job at risk to do so.

Mental health in the workplace

According to research conducted in 2011[3] , Australian executives are twice as likely to experience symptoms of mood and personality disorders, as the general population. The study found that between 38 and 40 per cent of the executive population experience psychological distress compared with 20 per cent of the rest of the population.

The study also found that there had been significant increases in anger issues, anxiety, work-related stress and depression.

It found that personality disorders among executives were higher than the normal population. Disorders included narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder and in some cases antisocial disorder.

Being a stressed boss also filters throughout the workplace. Workers become less engaged, more miserable and more likely to be the target of bullying behaviour, leading to more sick days taken by employees who are not happy in their jobs.

Researchers of the study believe factors contributing to high levels of stress in executives include highly competitive work environments, increasing pressures to perform and the effects of the global financial crisis.

In addition, executives are less likely to engage in regular exercise, proper nutrition, work-life balance and psychological coping skills — all of which help protect from depression. Their busy schedules also lead them to believe they simply ‘don’t have time’ to look after themselves.

For female executives the problem is exacerbated further by issues of inequality and feeling that their male colleagues ‘simply won’t listen to them’. [4]

What can be done?

It is widely accepted that stress in the workplace is a problem and many workplaces are taking the issue seriously. However, it can be difficult to know just how to tackle the problem, particularly when mental health has a stigma attached to it.

One initiative tackling the problem of mental health in the workplace is Heads Up[5]. An initiative launched by Beyond Blue in conjunction with the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, it is designed to give individuals and businesses tools, strategies and the latest information to promote a mentally healthy workplace for executives, leaders, managers and employees.

This program is free to join and provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a plan for a mentally healthy workplace, along with tips on how to talk about the issue, how to seek help, and how to support people in the workplace who may be suffering.

According to Heads Up over 6 million working days are lost each year in Australia due to depression. Left untreated, it can have devastating effects for individuals and businesses. In fact, depression is costing Australian workplaces $10.9 billion annually in absenteeism, lost productivity and compensation claims.

However, research by Price Waterhouse Coopers[6] has shown that for every dollar spent on effective interventions to create a mentally healthy workplace, businesses will reap a $2.30 return of investment.

According to the research, interventions should involve:

  • Raising awareness and reducing stigma
  • Supporting staff with mental health conditions
  • Creating a positive working environment.

While executives are often slow to speak up about personal mental health issues , Heads Up believes business leaders can play a key role in creating and maintaining mentally healthy workplaces.

Key actions they can take include being committed to mental health in the workplace; making it an objective of the business or workplace; integrating good health and safety management into all business decisions, policies and procedures; as well as speaking openly about mental health in the workplace.

Supporting and instigating programs designed to shed light on the issue of mental health will not only validate workplace policies and practices to be more mentally healthy, but will help everyone dealing with the effects of depression.

Hopefully, it will also empower executives to take a stand for themselves.

Are you lonely on the corporate ladder? Even You

If you or a friend or family member are suffering from depression please call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.


[1] BRW, It’s lonely at the top, published 18 April, 2012; accessed 4 June 2015, http://www.brw.com.au/p/sections/features/it_lonely_at_the_top_r6pGqMHiG6tPGiGN42ucDP

[2] SANE, Depression in Australian workplaces more ‘hidden’ than in Europe: new research, 2013; accessed 4 June 2015 https://www.sane.org/news-comment-2013/1222-depression-in-australian-workplaces-more-hidden-than-in-europe-new-research

[3] Davidson Trahaire Corpsych, MEDIA: Key staff driven to disorder at work, published 19 March 2011; accessed 6 June 2015, http://www.davcorp.com.au/media/9475/The%20Australian%20-%20Key%20staff%20driven%20to%20disorder%20at%20work.pdf

[4] Forbes, For Executive Women, It Can Be Lonely at the Top, published 1 May 2009; accessed 5 June 2015 http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/01/executives-c-suite-leadership-forbes-woman-power-careers.html

[5] Heads Up, http://www.headsup.org.au/

[6] Heads Up, Creating a mentally healthy workplace: Return on investment analysis, date of publication unknown; accessed 9 June 2015 http://www.headsup.org.au/docs/default-source/resources/bl1269-brochure---pwc-roi-analysis.pdf?sfvrsn=6