What other people are saying
"Just wanted to let you know ... I am feeling quite strong and flexible. Thank you for all your support and patience." Melanie
"I DID IT!! Made it to Kokoda... Smashed it! And .... I am injury free!!" Tiana
"I'm noticing weight loss and improved well-being..." Mel
"I'm loving this and I'm really proud of myself that I'm still keeping at it!" Ellen
"I now weigh 66.4kg. I really enjoyed your program I am also now running 5 km once a week." Jo
“Wanted to let you know I’ve lost 2kg in 10 days following your 7 steps.” Bron.
"Thank you, Eve - really needed this motivation this week. Much appreciated!" Carmela
"Thanks for this morning's encouragement! I soooo needed that this morning." Brooke
"After my initial weight loss (17lbs in a month) ... I have consistently lost 8 lbs in every 4 week period. ... in 14ish weeks, I'm down 34 lbs." JL, USA
"I've lost so many centimetres from my waist, I can really see and feel the difference, and you haven't made me do a single sit up. It's so true you don't need them at all." YC, Melbourne, AU
“…her system and approach works even from thousands of miles away!" Jodi

MM: In recent times, I had become overweight and unfit due to a combination of a poor diet and little to no exercise, I turned my life around, now I'm feeling fantastic!!. I decided it was time to get my own personal trainer and this is when I stumbled across Eve. Our training time together has truly been life changing for me! So much more than I had expected, I now not only feel fabulous and so much fitter and healthier, but I am getting so many compliments from others that can now notice my transformation, which inspires me to continue, to get that body I have always wanted. I can honestly say I learn something from every single session we have together, always making sure I understand, listens and genuinely cares about all her clients! The variation of exercise in our sessions is just amazing - never ever boring, and we ALWAYS manage to have tons of fun and plenty of laughs, one class is never the same as the other! I am currently training with Eve, 5 sessions per week, and she really is just a godsend, she will CHANGE your life forever! I would recommend Eve for anyone who is looking for a positive, professional and a motivating environment to begin and continue their weightloss and fitness goals.
JC: Thank you Eve! (Due to) a heavy work schedule, I found that I did not have the perceived time, energy or motivation after a long day to go to the gym to work out. I made endless excuses about being too tired from a medical condition or too stressed out from my job to make time to exercise. I finally made the decision in July 2009 to do something about my health situation and found (Eve) through the internet. Within 24 hours of my first email, Eve had visited me to discuss my health, set some moderate exercise objectives to reach and scheduled regular sessions around my work hours for a trial month. Since that first month I haven’t looked back. I’ve lost 16 kilos and 28 inches in 6 months and feel fantastic! I thoroughly enjoy training with Eve, she is challenging yet supportive, even on the days when I have been stressed from work. The work-outs and techniques she teaches are fun and adaptable for everyday exercise – not just when she is there. Eve’s work ethic and dedication to improving her clients’ diet and exercise is beyond reproach. I would not hesitate to recommend Eve to anyone wanting a personal trainer that is caring and understanding and also motivates you to achieve your goals.